Wednesday 26 September 2012


A HUGE congratulations to Taiana and Ethan for representing us in Franktons Got Talent today.  Ethan was up first and showed us his amazing skills on drums!  Wow, he absolutely silenced the audience from the first beat!  Taiana our beautiful songbird sung her heart out next and gave everyone goosebumps.  Then it was nervous wait for both as a competitive line up of dancers, singers and poi twirlers from the other middle and junior school classes showed their stuff.  

After a long deliberation from Kung Fu Panda and Captain Jack (the judges) Taiana was crowned the winner and Ethan Runnerup!  WAHOO!  GO ROOM 9!

This is all 1.32 Ethan:-)  I found the rest of the movie for you:-)


  1. You were both amazing! You should be very proud of the virtues that you showed up there on stage! You showed Courage, confidence and a whole bunch of awesomeness!

  2. man taiana and ethan yous guys are good:)

  3. i know this has nothing to do with franktons got talent but i want to know what everyone is doing in the holidays?

  4. Thanks every one :) do u have a talent haha???

    1. I am very talented at eating and sleeping! does that count?


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