Thursday 15 March 2012

LIfe Education Trust.

WE are lucky to have the benefit of the life education trust visiting our school for the next few weeks.  We will be learning all about the brain, how it works and what we can do to keep it in learning order.  Shortly we will get a booklet to work from at home.

Dallas says - I wanted to see big Harold, but Michelle said he was too big to go in the caravan and she wasn't going to clean up after him.

Byron Says - Harold says eat healthy so you you can sleep and be healthy.

Emma Says - Michelle taught us lots of exercises how to use both sides of your brain.  I found them sorta kinda a little bit hard and a little bit easy.

Rongo Says - i thought it was a real giraffe.

Autumn Says - i like that bit where we saw the brain that controls the caravan.  It even has twinkling lights and stuff!  the brain had a light in it that when it talked it lite up.  It could even talk and sing!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 9
    Its great you have Life Education at school, they are very knowledgeable. I agree Emma, I found those exercises a bit challenging too. I think a lot of children think Harold is real Rongo, Real or not he is pretty cool!
    Keep up all the great learning room 9


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