Wednesday 15 August 2012

Trout Farming with Blue Group

We  just read a book about trout farming.  We learnt about the life cycle of a trout.  They start off as eggs, which looks like and orange.  Then they become they get a black eye.  After that they hatch they turn into Alevin, which are fish with giant bellies.  The big belly is the yoke from the egg and live off this for a while.  Then they turned into Fry, which are little tiny fish.  The fry has a gap in its tummy, where the yoke goes back inside it as it grows.  When they grow really big we catch them and eat them for dinner.

Miss Hammond showed us some real eggs, Alevin and Fry.  They were really cool!  They were preserved in Glycerin which means we cant open them, or they will go off.

We didn't think they would be that small, but they are!

By Byron, Carrie and Autumn.


  1. You worked really hard today Blue group to find out important information and summarise it into your own words. This is a tricky skill to work on. Keep up the good work!

  2. I wish I was there to see but I'm sick today and tomorrow.:(

    1. i hope you get better soon dallas

  3. Room Nine
    I just wanted to leave a comment and let you know how well you are doing with your class page. We have all been looking at it over the last few days and are very impressed with the work that you have been doing and the information, videos and links that you have created. We loved the videos from the Olympics and were looking at using them as a language starter. Great to see you putting lots of work online!
    Mr Webb and Room Five, Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton.

  4. thats realy interesting good job you guys


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