Friday 30 November 2012

Spring Festival

WOW!  What a wicked night everyone!  There were heaps of community support for our Gala after school yesterday.  We are hoping we have raised enough money to pay off the rest of the Senior Playground and more!

For our class stall Miss Hammond organised for a TQ racing car, owned by Daryl Webster, to come down from Auckland but unfortunately it was too damaged at the weekend to even make it onto the trailer.  So plan B was put into action. Very kindly her brother lent us his Production Saloon instead!  We filled it up with Balloons and people had to guess how many we had crammed into it.  The person with the closest guess has won a family pass to Huntly Speedway on a weekend of their choice over the summer.  Miss Hammond is even going to personally meet them at the gate to let them in.  Her dad is the referee at the track so maybe they will get to meet him and some of the drivers too.

Our stall raised about 40 after costs.  So all up a pretty wicked effort.

The winner will be announced in the Newsletter next week.

A huge thank you to everyone who had a guess at our stall but also everyone who showed up.  We appreciate your amazing support of our school.


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